Certified Life Coach
Creator of Mindset Navigation™ System​
Certified Life Coach
Creator of Mindset Navigation™ System​
"Ch​ange Your Min​dset Habits" Expert
"Ch​ange Your Min​dset Habits" Expert
716.812.0305 / nancyrizzo@roadrunner.com
716.812.0305 / nancyrizzo@roadrunner.com
There's no coincidence that you've arrived here! Welcome!
Apologies that my current website is so very "Wilma Flintstone," so we are working on my new site. It will be so "Jane Jetson" very soon! In the meantime, truly, there is no coincidence that you and I are now aligned - so keep going - email me at nancyrizzo@roadrunner.com, call or text me at 716.812.0305.
I promise you more transformation
using less information - a simple system -
and how to get there in Joy & Positivity
(instead of negativity & depletion)
I am "Your Keep It Simple Coach!"
(none of us need one more thing to do,
book to read, or guru to follow, right?!)
Truly what I see every day,
myself included,
is that it's never about
Your Skills, or Expertise, or Talents,
or Blessings, or Plans, or Dreams, or Goals,
(personally or professionally) -
It's about who or what you allow to get in your way
and stop you! That "who" could be "you!"
(everyone connects right there!)
I am your "Change Your Mindset" Expert!
I am your "Change Your Mindset" Expert!
"Mindset is the biggest block to everything for everyone, and Mindset is the best solution to everything for everyone." ~ nancy rizzo :)
Experience forward movement ​ and life flow with my Mindset Navigation™ System! Use My Joy vs. Depletion ABC Statement™!
It's as simple as 2 directions - 24/7. Strap on and use Your Life Tools from Your Toolbelt™. And, because "Words Create Worlds" ~ Judith E. Glaser, we're going to apply Conversational Intelligence ® ​ starting with the words you speak to yourself! Watch everything align! Change is hard. My System is the Simple "How." I created it to be simple, because your time and energy are so very precious. The magic bullet is to learn this "How," and be consistent, so that it becomes automatic -
so that it becomes habit!
Kind of think of it this way: "knowing" the Permit Book and "doing" the driving. Over and over right? Now you get in your car and can't even remember how you arrived at your destination.
Automatic. Habit.
This is what Rewiring your Mindset
with my System feels like:
Put your token on the Start Box
on the Game Board.
Move one Choose Instead â„¢ at a time -
one "Simple, Comfortable, Doable
& My Way â„¢ " Choose Instead â„¢ at a time!
(That's a Life Tool. I cannot wait to share it with you.
It's life-changing I promise!)
Keep moving forward.
Getting easier? Celebrate.
Did you get sent back to Start?
Simply Choose Instead â„¢ again to get a different result.
Never get stuck.
Never settle.
There's always another Choose Instead â„¢ .
(Did someone say that Choices expire like a coupon?!? Or did someone say that Choices run out?!? LOL!
There's. Always. Another. Choose Instead â„¢!
I am confidently/'done deal' inviting you to
my Mindset Navigation â„¢ System
to Rewire Your Brain -
to Do Something Different
to Get a Different Result
(Hallelujah! Finally!)
by creating and traveling on your new neurological pathway
instead of grappling along on your old default! UGH!
No longer allowed, and that's non-negotiable!
Truth! No one is exempt from life's challenges. Perfection, balance, "what if's" and "when I " are endless pursuits. "Let it go" & "move on" & "push through" don't work because they don't sustain. They sound good, and maybe they're temporary, but who wants to settle for that?!? Not you! We want something that lasts, right? We don't want to keep re-creating the wheel over and over and ugh-over again, right? "Navigating" is about traveling along in Joy on Your Journey in Positivity where you are effective, productive, and have clarity. It's about not allowing negativity and nose-diving onto the Depletion Road where you get nothing done, are in overwhelm & stress, and believe you belong there. You don't belong there! We all land there.
We are all the same!
(No one is exempt, remember?)
I invite you to "Please don't stay there."
And I would never ask you that, if I didn't have the "How!"
My System gives you that "How."
Once you make this "How" your habit,
you are Unstoppable!
It will never matter again - who or what shows up
and "thinks" it's going to get in your way and stop you!
It's about what you now are re-wired to Choose Instead â„¢ !
This is where you are Worthy & Deserving to be -
personally and professionally!
"Time is precious.
Energy is invaluable.
Life is a gift.
You are here f​or a purpose.
You are meant to be happy."
~ nancy rizzo :)
​In the meantime, I invite you to a Complimentary (free) telephone consult with me. Experience what it's like to hear "the how" to champion whomever or whatever is getting in your way
and depleting you!
I promise you that take-away on this call!
There is no further obligation from you to me.
Use our CONTACT US website page
or call/text 716.812.0305, or email me at nancyrizzo@roadrunner.com.
Ask me anything in an email prior to scheduling your consult.
Questions? Curiosities? Concerns?
Those answers are a simple email chat away!
I am your dedicated coach - of service - to you.
That's my purpose and passion.
If there is any other way I can keep this simple for you
to share your story with me and receive "the How" to proceed, tell me what you need from me. Do you want me to go first? Leave me a text and I'll do all the work to get you started. I promise you this is all Mindset,
and Mindset Navigation â„¢ is how to proceed!
"Take Your Turn, Roll the Dice, Move Your Token"
My Job is You.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Smart & Simple Wellness
Offices: Buffalo, New York
Copyright© Nancy Rizzo, Smart & Simple Wellness
All Rights Reserved